
Rubber Denuding

Removing rubber from metal parts significantly increases the life cycle of this equipment. Instead of replacing it with new equipment, the combination of denuding and refurbishment of metal parts has proven to be a cost-saving solution.

Based on the unique and proven Dinamec Systems Fluidized Bed Technology, all the advantages of our Fluidized Bed applications are also applicable to the Rubber Denuding application. Thorough cleaning, short cleaning cycles and ease of operation, with no damage to parts being cleaned.

As well as thoroughly removing all rubber from metal parts, our rubber denuding installations also ensure a clean and safe solution for both the environment and for your operators.

Military Applications

With the use of our technology to denude tank tracks and other military parts, we have installations worldwide. The United States Army, the Korean Army and the Greek Army all use our Rubber Denuding technology system.

The Red River army system is a multimillion dollar turnkey installation capable of removing 750 pounds of rubber per hour from tracked vehicles. This is the second installation of Dinamec Systems chosen by the United States Army for this purpose.